When looking for a designer you should consider writing a brief. But before contacting for cost estimates, you should research which designer would be best suited for the project.
Once you have a list of designers, you should write a brief. Writing a brief can be a challenge, so we have put together a few key points to consider when briefing a designer/s.
What should be included in the creative brief
A creative brief should include everything that the job entails, and this will change from project to project. The fundamentals for a creative brief will stay the same. The brief should sum up the project objectives and be straight to the point.
You should give insight into the company this is for. Include elements such as market position, company insights, and the target market.
Explain the purpose of the creative brief and the situation that started the project. A list of project goals and objectives is a great start. Here you should outline what needs to be achieved with this project.
Deliverables for the project are explained in the creative brief. A deliverable is a tangible or intangible good or service produced as a result of a project that is intended to be delivered to a customer. A deliverable could be a report, a document, a software product, a server upgrade or any other building block of an overall project.
Let the creative know, if there are any deadlines for the project. This is especially important when there is a tight turnaround time.
Be straightforward about the budget, if you are serious about the project you should have considered the budget upfront. The budget would also affect which companies/freelancers you can work with. By being transparent about your budget you will start an open discussion and gain trust, which is important.
Contact details
Include the contact details of the people the designer will have to be in contact with for various reasons.